Beginning today probably my 44th football season on the sidelines but fully in the game so to speak. Beginning in High school with literally a tin pail and ladle for water & a roll of tape to many of the modern innovations of sports medicine. Still athletes are still kids playing sports and coaches trying to mold young men into finely tuned machines, all an imperfect science. It’s been my pleasure to take care of many from the stars to those just out to have a good time and be “on the team.” I’ve had legendary coaches and those just trying to grow and learn to build a program. For all that I’m truly blessed. Thankful too for a most supportive wife and family who have allowed me to enjoy such a fine profession in serving others. So as we begin today, I’m still getting the water ready to hydrate the kids (still a valuable preventive task), treating & taping in preparation for the next big event, and hopefully helping someone in some way. Are you ready for some football?