You probably think that’s what you’ll be a part of as you enter another sports season. One practice after another. That may be true but another part of our skill set as Athletic Trainers is reviewing and practicing your emergency skills in case the scenario arises. I always try to stay focused on what’s going on around me at practice and to keep moving around the different groups. Keeps it fresh and keeps your mind going too. There are also opportunities to think “what if this happened” and how would I respond. To go through step by step the process just as athletes train to form the mental image. Am I mentally prepared? Do I have access to the equipment and supplies I may need? Who’s the next person I am going to communicate with? Is my Emergency Action Plan venue specific and up to date? When they take a break is often a good time to really take a close look into the eyes of your kids and to see how they are handling the day. Who needs the extra cooling, the water, who just takes a swig when they really need more. Have you ever taken and 8 oz. cup and see how many gulps it takes to get it all down. More than you first think for sure.
Bottom line is to not let the monotony get to you, its’ really the opportunity to learn, build and express your skills as an Athletic Trainer.
Jim Mackie, M.Ed., ATC, LAT